How to Prevent Suicide Grief:
A Guide for Providers

Therapists and others who work with those at risk of suicide can't always prevent a suicide. However, most can do more than they do. Here's some ideas for preventing suicide that might help save a life or two.

Use releases to enable patients or clients to authorize the sharing of information about suicide risk with family members.

Inform family members that their loved ones are at risk of becoming suicidal or are so presently.

Encourage family members to share their concerns and observations about their loved ones' psychiatric condition.

Give family members fact sheets or brochures outlining the principal warning signs of suicide.

Urge family members to remove, secure, or disable any firearms that are accessible in their loved ones' households.

Tell family members that alcohol will raise their risk of suicide significantly.

Explain the affects that psychiatric disorders and their symptoms may have on their loved ones' judgment and decision-making.

Mobilize family members involvement in their loved ones' care plans, as appropriate.

Copyright © 2001
Tony Salvatore Springfield, PA, USA
Launched 10.25.01

Paul 1968-96

Some Other Sites About Suicide and Suicide Loss
Suicide Paradigm | Penacide: New Suicide Paradigm | Ethics Side of Suicide | Lamenting Sons: Fathers & Grief | Suicide Loss FAQs | About Elder Suicide | Memo to Suicidal Young People
The Suicide Paradigm Guide | The Vocabulary of Grief (A glossary)